

The music for this dance will be found in Curwen's Edition, No. 5645, price 2s.

For twelve dancers, standing two and two behind each other, thus.

4 bars. As soon as ever the music begins, the first couple join hands, gentleman taking lady's outside hand, and turning their backs to the audience, set obliquely to the right, forward and back (without turning) whilst the 2nd gentleman dances (or sets) to the left and back again. The 2nd lady, No. 3, stands still.
4 bars. The couple repeat, going to the left, the 2nd gentleman going to the right.
Nos. 5 and 6 and 9 and 10 do the same as above at the same time.
Step-chassé forward, then on toe and heel.
Count-one and two, three (toe), four (heel).
Repeat, going the other way.
4 bars. 1st four, 2nd four, and 3rd four do a chain of four, each gentleman turning his partner under arras at starting, and then turning every other one under left arms as they pass, at the same time all snapping the fingers of the right hand as lady turns, gentleman stamps right foot, and all shout Ho! thus
once round.
4 bars. Then repeat the chain again without turning under, and all back to places.
16 bars. Repeat whole of above again, only this time the first couple dancing as before set to the 2nd lady, the 2nd lady setting to them obliquely, to the left
first. (See Photograph.)

Repeat chains with turns and without.


16 bars. The second couple now join hands (very quickly) with the first couple, so that all four now in one line have their backs to the audience, and set again in the same manner.
The third couple, holding hands, set to them obliquely, doing the same step to left and back, and to the right and back. The fourth and fifth couples meanwhile set to the sixth in exactly the same way.
Then all six; the front six all together, and the back six together, do the chain without the turns once round until they come back to their own partners, when each gentleman takes the lady's hand and turns her under. Both pose, bending towards each other with inside feet pointed, shouting Ho !

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