

The music for this dance will be found in Curwen's Edition, No. 5675, price 1s.

Longways for as many as will. This is danced, all the ladies on one side, the gentlemen on the other, in two lines, facing the audience.


4 bars. All chassé forward, beginning with the foot away from partners (outside feet), twice, and chassé back twice, bringing outside foot back to begin.
4 bars. Repeat the same.
4 bars. All turn to left, having right shoulders towards audience. Chassé forward and back twice each way, ladies holding up right hand over head, and gentlemen left. Each gentleman, while going forward and back, looks over his shoulder (first right and then left) to his partner, who bends slightly forward to look at him. (See Photograph.)

8 bars.
Partners turn towards each other, ladies holding their frocks, and gentlemen hands on their sides. Balancez forward and back twice; then gentleman takes partner's right hand and turns the lady under towards audience, meanwhile pointing his left foot and bending slightly towards it.


4 bars All face audience again. Top gentleman turns and goes down centre to last lady in the line, with chassé step, repeating it four times. Lady turns and faces gentleman.
2 bars. 4 pats with right foot to each other.
2 bars. 4 pats with left foot to each other.
2 bars. Gentleman gives right hand to lady's right hand, with step, toe heel, twice with right foot. Both repeat step with left foot.
2 bars. Gentleman gives left hand to lady under the right hand. Gentleman turns lady under away from audience and both pose with right foot pointed.
2 bars. He then turns her towards audience.
2 bars. Both pose with left foot pointed.

(At both turns gentleman kisses his lady.)


4 bars. Still holding hands in same position, both chassé up centre, starting with left foot for 3 bars. 4th bar gentleman turns his lady round towards audience into 1st lady's place. Meanwhile the other three ladies chassé back twice, and the gentlemen chassé forward twice.
Directly the gentleman has turned the lady under he turns and galops outside the line of gentlemen to the place of the last gentleman, taking 4 bars, so that he is in place to chassé forward the second time on repeating the dance.

The whole is repeated according to the number of dancers.

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